Thursday, January 29, 2009

Assignment #6: Black History Month

Did you ever realize that there are lots of black Canadians that made important contributions to Canadian society-or even the world? One of them is Ranee Lee, a singer who was born in 1942. Even though she was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York City, she is well-known as one of Canadian singer. But how come?

Ranee Lee started her professional career as a dancer. Then, she spent the '70s as a jazz drummer and tenor saxophonist. She toured the United States and Canada with various musical groups. Then, she moved to Montreal as an 18-year-old woman and focused on her singing, though she had no idea that one day she will be a member of the pantheon of Montreal jazz greats. After that, she became one of Canada's most recognizable jazz singer.

Some of the information that I got is from here, here, here, and here. You can check it out if you want to find out more about Ranee Lee.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Assignment #5: It's Really Cold

It was not that easy to live in Canada when settlers first came to Canada. Lots of people died from suffering, but some people lived. They have several challenges, because they were not used to the cold of winter. First of all, there were diseases such as cholera and small pox. There are no hospitals, so they have to use home remedies. They had a fear of getting lost when there's a snow blizzard. They have to find enough woods in order to survive in winter. And, not all of the people speak the same language as the settlers, so it was hard to communicate.

But, no matter how hard living in Canada might be, they could still survived using the stuffs that were available around them. For shelter, Acadians built log houses with woods they found on nearby forests
, but some of them built houses from stones. They also used woods to make a fire, which was used to heat and to cook. For the Inuits, they lived in sod homes or igloos. They usually hunt fishes and wild animals for foods. They also hunt wild animals for their skins (for clothing) and their fur (for warmth). They wore cloth, wool and other fabrics to keep them warm. It's no just that. No matter what type of weather Canada have, they can finally own their own farm. The place was not crowded and it was free from pollution. It turned out that Canada was actually a good place to live after all.

My dad have to move to Canada to work, so my family have to move too so we're not far away from each other. When I came to Canada, my first opinion about winter was it was the coldest season ever. I never had winter in my country before, because there are no seasons in my country. Every month is a sunny day, and sometimes it rains. After a while, I started adapting to the cold weather, because I started to get used to it. And I always do something at school, so I didn't always felt the cold weather. Instead, I had fun living here!

-Challenges that early Canadians faced
-Daily life for settlers
-The reasons of why people are immigrating to Canada

Monday, January 26, 2009

Assignment #4: Linking Back to Your Peers

I think Mariam's thought about the future is really creative. On her paragraph, she wrote "I think we will be living underwater because of what will happen to the glaciers when they melt". So much people thought that we will live somewhere else in 2109, but Mariam thought about something else, she even added some features when we're leaving underwater.
-Mariam M

Sarah wrote a really catchy quote on her post, which is "well Helena and I think that humans will involve into aliens". I never thought of that! When I thought about it, it all makes sense. Monkeys involves into humans, so humans must involves into aliens. Although, not a lot of people believe in aliens, but they are still doing some research.

I really like it when Janet's reminded us about the past. She wrote "about 500 years ago, many Europeans or other humans on this lovely planet doesn't even think Canada exists". It makes me think how many Canadians makes a difference on their own country, they even thinks that Canada really exists now!

Assignment #3: History of the Future

Today I'm going to talk about the changes that might happen to Canada in 2109. For more information, you can go to Christopher Moore's blog or the direct link to the assignment.

Since Canada have lots of free spaces, there will be lots of people from around the world that moves to Canada, which increases the population. World will be more peaceful, especially with Obama as president. People will stop doing wars on another country, which means that Canada will not get involved in any wars anymore. And since Obama is the first black president, people will think that everyone is the same, no matter how they look or what colour they are. Canada will be more developed.

Canada's environment will be more clean, especially if we always put garbages on the garbage can and recycle. There will be environment-free cars all over the road instead of smokes created by cars and machines. Everything will be modern, probably robots are going to be invented to take care of you and your house. And more electronic items will be invented to help people do their jobs faster.

Though I'm a bit curious of what will happen to the earth in 2109. If people don't keep the earth clean, we would have to move to the moon. Earth will be polluted and full of garbage. The atmosphere of the earth could get thicker and thicker, but we wouldn't let that happen. And there will be more information about aliens and the other unusual creatures, and maybe life that exists on Mars. But, we couldn't really predict the future. We just have to see what's going to happen.

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One of the modern solar car

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Prediction of the future-How will it be?

Hello! Halo! Hola! Bonjour!

Hey bloggers! Welcome to my Canadian history blog. My name is Marsha, and I am a grade 7 student in Ottawa, Canada. Here I am going to be learning and writing about Canadian history. I am so happy that I get to learn history by blogging. It's not just because we don't have to sit down in the classroom and do boring stuff, it's because there are more information on the internet that our textbook doesn't have. And once again, it's fun!! I hope you enjoy your stay at this blog, and I am looking forward for your comments and suggestions.

Lastly, visit Miss Pollock, my teacher's blog. She's the one who suggest us to make blogs for history. :)